FTD Support Forum

Provides online support for sufferers and for caregivers through discussion forums, online chats and private messaging. There are currently over 3,800 members.

Mission Statement: The purpose of this forum is to provide a place for safe and secure communications for people who have been diagnosed with FTD and those who care for loved ones with FTD. Members are dedicated to supporting one another in a sensitive, respectful and sincere manner. This forum also encourages increased awareness of FTD within the medical community and the general public, with the belief that knowledge will bring improved access to support networks that are emerging on the internet and elsewhere.

FTD Support: Clinics & Meetings

FTLDA strives to provide information on its website that is accurate, timely and useful.The Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration Association website should not be considered medical guidance or professional advice. FTLDA, its affiliates or agents, or any other parties involved in the preparation or publication of this site are not responsible for errors or omissions in information provided on this site or any actions resulting from the use of such information. Corrections and additions to this site shall be made when necessary or as time permits.